Waiting Room / Gernikako Itxarongela
That day she didn’t even think to try the door. Nearly fifty years before, moreover, she had had a dream, one of three or four dreams she remembered perfectly specific and clear from childhood. The door in the dream was unlabelled, in fact she saw it only as she turned the knob to open it. Inside the room was a table, and around the table — she isn’t sure how many — a set of welcoming faces, turned and gesturing towards a chair for her to sit down.

But here, since the space outside was sheltered by the new roofing, it was perfectly comfortable to go on waiting outdoors in the open air. It wouldn’t be long before they were all in the car and on their way to eat something, up in the hills not far away.
Elizabeth Macklin, 2014-02-20
New account information
4 - 24 characters long
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8 - 16 characters long
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- Your password must be between 8 and 16 characters long
- Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores are permitted
Keep your password in a safe place
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- The passwords are different...
Personal information
e.g. example@domain.com
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The password field is empty!
The length of the password is incorrect!
Some characters in the password are incorrect!
The user name or password is incorrect. Please try again.
Remember that the user name is case-insensitive but the password is case-sensitive.
System error. If the error persists, get in touch with Customer Support.
Enter your e-mail address and we will send you the access codes of your Pictotales account there.
e.g. example@domain.com
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This address cannot be found in our database!
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